Monday, December 10, 2012

The things I will miss about Buenos Aires...

1. Hearing Spanish all day everyday
2. My corky tango class every Monday (pretty sure my professor thought I didn't understand Spanish the whole semester)
3. Tango music during taxi rides and the always interesting conversations with los techeros
4. Alfajores and Asados
5. My lovely host family whom I now consider my true family
6. A nightlife that never ends ;)
7. My wonderfully simple cell phone
8. New friends from all over the world
9. My barrio which I have now conquered completely on my own
10. Walking to class every morning and passing the daily cleaners brush the sidewalks with soap and water
11. The Argentine's who sing to themselves when walking on the street with no shame
12. Graduados (the best show on TV)
13. Traveling to new parts of the country
14. Merienda (the time during the day to catch up with yourself and your friends)
15. Experiencing life the Argentine way

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